
Tuesday, April 14 | Why Vitalleo Products?

Why Vitalleo?
  A common question is why your products over the brand I already buy?  People are attracted to their current product for 3 reasons:
1. They don’t have to buy another 1
2. They have been polled into someone’s marketing message:  Examples: Flown in from the Arctic Circle, Sourced from Our Own Organic Fields, Fresh from Organic Melons, Not From China, etc.
3. They’re cheap.

   We’ve provided you a document called “Why Vitalleo” to hand out to patients explaining the many differences. Additionally, it’s important to realize that the science behind nutrient levels in the body is that there are healthy and low-unhealthy levels. The best product is one that cleanly, safely, and efficiently actually gets the levels up to healthy.  The rest is whatever someone’s marketing angle or unique selling proposition is.

Monday, April 13 | DNA Announcement & Assessment Tool

Dear Well Aligned Practitioners,  

  We are now fully geared up to move things forward. Therefore, I would like to take a brief moment to explain the work-flow of the new DNA testing.

  Once the patient has committed and purchased the kit from you, please have them register the kit at your clinic or home. They must use their own email address as well as complete the health questionnaire in full. Also, once the registration has finished, please be sure to let them know to swab each side of the mouth for thirty seconds (.30) for a total of sixty seconds (60). Also, there are three barcodes with each kit. The first one is located on the outside of the box, which is used when they register. The second barcode is located on the return envelope so that the lab can scan when it is received. The third and final barcode is loose in the kit. Please have the patient put that on the sample swab case itself. There is no reason for the patient to have to fill out any information on the sample tube. This is very important.

  Since this is a patient portal, each Doctor will receive a “Summary Report,” which will be approximately 39 pages. However, you will probably only focus on pages 1 & 2. Whereas, these pages will provide you with a list of the traits/actionable genes and their risk level. You will more than likely build a plan with the patient that starts with the higher risks. This was designed to minimize the Doctor’s review time. Moreover, each of you will receive a DNA Risk Matrix report (see attached). This will become your answer key to review and learn how to address each area of the report based on the level of risk.

  Example: If the patient summary report has a risk factor of “High” for Oxidative stress—please go to the appropriate page of the DNA Risk Matrix to Oxidative Stress and there you can review “What to Do Next” based on their risk score. In this case, located on page 28, and will indicate what further tests could be helpful diet, supplements, lifestyle & chiropractic care.

  Moving forward, the Doctor will receive the summary report before the patient having access to the portal. Please save the attached DNA Risk Matrix—it will also be located in the training portal.

Friday, April 10 | Our New Telehealth Platform

Brought to you by Vitalleo’s Telehealth Program

– Why some doctors are seeing more patients than ever – FROM HOME
– The top conditions that are being handled virtually
– Right now! Understand the immune arc and how you can save lives!!
– How to market effectively and build a virtual patient base
– What you need to be compliant when doing telehealth 

Monday, April 6 | Covid 19 Risk Factors

China’s study on Covid 19 risk factors:

Who are the survivors and the non-survivors of Covid-19
Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study

  • For survivors, the median duration of viral shedding was 20·0 days from illness onset, with the shortest time being 8 days and the longest at 37 days.
  • Non-survivors: the virus was continuously detectable until death

Several Important Factors Between Life or Death

  1. Presence of lymphocytes: Lymphocytes (leukocytes) are an initial line of defense for the immune system, that defend the body against foreign substances such as a virus, bacteria, or parasites. Different lymphocytes are responsible for regulating immune responses and forming anti-bodies against these unwanted invaders. 
  • For survivors: Baseline lymphocyte count was significantly higher in survivors. This is an indication your immune system is working.
  • Non-survivors: Struggle with severe lymphopenia observed until death. This is an ineffective, inefficient immune system.
  1. Presence of IL-6: Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a produced by various cells and heavily involved in the immune responses. It’s activation early on in and infection is critical, but if it remains elevated generates chronic and harmful inflammation.
  • IL-6 were clearly elevated in non-survivors compared with survivors throughout the clinical course, and increased with illness deterioration1
  1. Levels of IL-1β: IL-1β is a a pro-inflammatory cytokine, participating in inflammation and immune regulation like IL-6. Similarly, sustained , IL-1β regulated inflammation is related to disease that infects supportive tissue and can lead to tissue damage or induces loss.
  • When CoV-19 infects the upper and lower respiratory tract, it can cause the subsequent release of IL-1β and a host of downstream mediators of lung inflammation and fibrosis (Scarred, damaged lung tissue).2 Thus, the lung battle that many suffer severely from or cause them to die from the corona virus.


   What this data indicates is that the survivors have a high functioning, efficient immune system.  In fact, the virus can be completely shed from the system with anti-bodies in place in as little as a week.  On the other hand, if the immune system is allowed to slip, then the battle to survive can be over a month or the infected person may not make it.

   An average immune system, high inflammation, low Vitamin D, and subluxation are quite literally co-morbidities and pre-dispose many people to a much tougher time with Covid-19 than others who are continually managing these issues.

TAKE ACTION: Whether you are concerned about the condition or struggling to fight it off right now, here are important suggestions.

   During Coronavirus Pandemic: Stay away from anything that causes inflammation!

Experts are saying to avoid anything that causes inflammation during this Coronavirus pandemic, but some people have genes that make them more likely to experience inflammation.  Here are general recommendations, but ideally they are personalized based on your DNA.


  2. GET TESTED: Test IL-6, IL-1β, and Vitamin D
  3. Manage inflammation now! Controlling inflammation and Vitamin D levels are always mission-critical in the prevention or management of virtually every condition or disease.  I would not want to be in a state of inflammation, with elevated IL-6 or IL-1β


  1. You do not want elevated IL-6 or IL-1β before getting an infection and expect that while infected this would somehow come under control. To the contrary, non-survivors who had high levels of these pro-inflammatory markers saw them stay elevated and continue to increase as the patient deteriorated.
  2. Raise vitamin D levels to 60+. Immune cells have Vitamin D receptors, requiring vitamin D to regulate among many things the triggering of lymphocytes when you become exposed.  (Lymphocyte count went up to protect survivors but levels were insufficient throughout the entire infection for non-survivors)


  1. Modified Mediterranean or Anti-inflammatory diet based on DNA
  2. Supplementation to raise Vit D, support cell function, and are anti-inflammatory such as omega-3 and products containing curcumin
  3. Curcumin, Ashwagandha, Boswellia (Indian frankincense) (Edison and E-flamX), CBD, and a strong professional multi-vitamin.
  4. Utilize products with melatonin and adaptogens can help to mitigate the inflammatory effects of stress and sleep deprivation.
  • Mitochondria – energy generator in the cell.  Research show that it is the intercellular platform for innate immunity and the inflammatory response.
  • The innate immune system is essentially made up of barriers that aim to keep viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other foreign particles out of your body or limit their ability to spread and move throughout the body.  Adaptability and survivability of the cells is mitochondria-dependent
  • B-vitamins make this engine go – when you look at Krebs cycle, TCA Cycle, and all that’s required to tune up the biochemistry.  Starts with a clinical dose of B-vitamins found in the Edison Pack, managing inflammation with nutrients like C,  Mg, Lipoic Acid, and CoQ10.
  • Research shows that the adaptability and survivability is mitochondria dependent.

1 https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(20)30566-3.pdf

2 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jmv.25770

(We have dozens of citations supporting the impact of Vitamin D, diet, and nutrient levels on immunity and inflammation)


Please let us know how we can better help you, your practice, and your patients thrive during this critical time,

Dr Ben.


Thursday, April 2 | The Immune Program

Reviewing our Immune Support program with Dr Ben Lerner & Chris Meletis

Wednesday, April 1

Inflammation & Omega 3s with Dr Lerner

Tuesday, March 31

Part 1: Driving innate immunity and managing the inflammatory response to fight a virus. The need for the Edison Pack.

Part 2: Driving innate immunity and managing the inflammatory response to fight a virus. The need for the Edison Pack.

Friday, March 27

John McGuire discusses our auto-ship program & how to continue providing care to your patients virtually. 

Thursday, March 26

Dr. Lerner & Dr. Chris Meletis ND review how to manage immune homeostasis & susceptibility to illness. 

Wednesday, March 25

Vitamin D and Gene Expression

Dr. Ben Lerner shares how proper Vitamin D levels are critical to gene expression necessary for the body’s health.

Building a Strong Immune System

The essential supplements you need to strengthen your immune system!

Pathologist Talks Natural Defenses

Vitalleo Dr. Ashfin Mofid interviews Dr. Ryan Cole, MD; a Mayo-trained
pathologist. Dr. Cole discusses natural defenses like Vitamin D supplements,
adjustments, and stress reduction.  
*for information only, applicable at your discretion*

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